The Zambia Public Relations Association (ZAPRA) is the professional body for Communications and Public Relations practitioners in Zambia whose objective is to promote professionalism, knowledge sharing, and ethical conduct among the members.
Among the objectives of the Association are the following:
1. To promote general understanding of public relations and communications specialties and of the value of its practice and to establish and maintain professional status and dignity for public relations and communications practice amongst registered members of ZAPRA, employers and the general public.
2. To encourage the observance of the highest standards of professional conduct by registered members of ZAPRA, through adherence to the ZAPRA code of ethics and professional standards for the practice of public relations and all forms of communication management.
3. To protect the interests of all concerned in the event of any complaint of malpractice or non-adherence to the ZAPRA code of ethics and professional standards brought against a registered member, through the application of a set of disciplinary procedures.
4. To provide professional development programmes for the general benefit of registered members of ZAPRA and the public relations profession as well as any other services or assistance.
5. To provide professional development and personal networking opportunities for its countrywide membership and promote the professional practice of public relations and the various forms of communication functions at country level in liaison with public relations bodies outside Zambia.
6. To act as a legal entity to which all public relations practitioners and communications specialists in Zambia should be accredited.